Normally, your general dentist will refer you to an implant dentist that they work with. But we have found, over the number of years that we have been placing implants, that some patients want to find someone that they want to work specifically with. So they use the internet to access this information. And we are in a situation where we have access to so much information now on the internet.
So we have patients who access independent testimonials such as Google reviews. When you have found the right clinician to do your dental implants, it is essential that you check their qualifications and their experience as well as the skills they have gained over the number of years.
Dental implants treatment can be relatively simple in some situations. But in a good number of situations it can quite complicated. So it is essential that for you and that clinician can reconstruct the bone so that your implant can be accurately and precisely placed within the bone without damaging the nerves or any of the structures that could lead to further problems.
Some implant dentists will have 3D CT Scans within their practices and this will allow for that clinician to keep all the workflow of the treatment in-house so that you don’t have to be referred elsewhere for complex 3D imaging to be taken for your therapy.
I feel that one of the most important things as a patient is that you need to be able to have good rapport with that clinician, who is going to be doing your implants for you. Some of the implant treatments can take 3 months and can in some complicated situations can take up to 18 months!
So you need to have a relationship, an open relationship, where you can both say what you need to. So that you can both achieve the goals that you wish to achieve as a patient.
As a Periodontal Specialist and an Implant Dentist, I, myself, when I see my own patients, I use my Cone Beam CT Scanner to assess how good the quality of the bone is and if there is sufficient bone for the placement of an implant so that I can avoid any other dangerous structures that could cause problems for the patient in the future.
I can also precisely plan how to reconstruct the bone to accommodate your dental implant so that there is long term success for you.
So here in my practice we use the latest technology by using our CT Scanner to assess the bone that you have. And from that we can then generate a virtual image to plan your implant placement using the computer model. And as a consequence, we can then avoid any mistakes or any deviations from the plan.
We also have a 3D IntrAoral scanner which enables impression techniques so that we can make your custom made crown from a 3D printed model. Things are just moving on very quickly within the implant dentistry and it is important that your clinician and, me as your clinician, are at that cutting edge…